Most websites these days are driven by a data set, which stores and coordinates data in an alternate coding language – for example MySQL, MariaDB, PostreSQL. In the event that you are working with data sets, our aides on making, bringing in,, sending out, associating, and investigating can assist with giving information to your administration needs.

Creating, Importing, and Exporting Databases

Learn how to create, import, and export databases in this section.


This section includes popular articles regarding making a database connection.

Troubleshooting Errors

This section covers some of the common errors you may experience regarding databases.

Working with phpMyAdmin

This segment incorporates stroll through guides for the phpMyAdmin device, which is accessible in the cPanel, and allows you to regulate your MySQL Data sets.

Working with MariaDB

This section includes walk-through guides for the use of MariaDB.

Working with MySQL

These articles cover the use of MySQL within cPanel.

Working with Percona DB

This section provides information on working with Percona DB.

Working with Postgre

This section provides information on working with PostgreSQL.


General database articles are included within this section.



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