FrontPage, a long-standing program for webpage development with Microsoft software, offers the functionality of publishing via HTTP or FTP. However, publishing via HTTP requires the installation of extensions on the server account. cPanel accounts can enable or disable the loading of these extensions through their interface. Over time, the requirement for FrontPage extensions has diminished, and in certain instances, they may need to be uninstalled from the installation. Fortunately, removing the HTTP extensions does not affect the option of publishing via FTP. This article presents a simple guide to swiftly removing these extensions via the cPanel interface.
Uninstalling the FrontPage Extensions in Cpanel
- How to log into cPanel
- Scroll down to the ADVANCED section of the Cpanel. Click on the FrontPage Extensions icon that you see there.
- When the screen loads, you will see the websites that have the FrontPage Extensions loaded. There will be an option to REINSTALL EXTENSIONS or UNINSTALL EXTENSIONS.
- To remove the extension, simply click on the UNINSTALL EXTENSIONS button next to the domain name that you wish to clear.
- Click on the GO BACK button at the bottom of the screen when the uninstall process has finished.
- You will see the same list of the website(s) on your account, but this time with the option to INSTALL EXTENSIONS and clean up OLD EXTENSIONS. The cleanup of the old extensions is not required, but in some cases when you are having problems with the extensions and you are attempting correct issues, then cleaning up the old extension may be your best course of action.