What is DNS?

The Internet’s Domain Name System (DNS) converts human-readable domain names such as “example.com” into computer-readable IP addresses like “”. This conversion is made possible through the utilization of DNS Zone files that are set up on your server.

What is a DNS Record?

To direct specific parts of your DNS to a domain or IP, you can create a DNS record. For instance, if you are a G Suite user, you may wish to use Google’s servers for your email instead of InMotion Hosting’s servers. To achieve this, you will need to modify your MX Records to point to Google’s mail servers. You can obtain these records from Google’s website.

Another type of DNS record is the CNAME record, which links one domain to another. A typical example of a CNAME record is the “www” subdomain, which points to the domain without the “www” prefix. When a DNS lookup is performed on the CNAME record for “www.example.com“, the A record for “example.com” is resolved, and the IP address stored in that A record is used to access the website. This ensures that visitors can use either “www.example.com” or “example.com” to access your site and view the same content.

How Long Do DNS Changes Take?

DNS changes can take up to 24 hours to take effect. This period of time is referred to as propagation.

How do I view and add DNS records?

Prior to making any DNS modifications, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the records you plan to add and how they may impact your website or web-based application. The following steps will guide you on how to access and insert DNS records for the domains registered in your account.

How to View DNS Records

You can view most of your DNS records in the Zone Editor, which is in cPanel under the Domains section.

How to Add Common DNS Records

Please note that to proceed with any of the procedures outlined in our tutorials, you must possess a hosting account. If you only have a domain name-only account (which means you have only acquired a domain name without hosting), then you won’t be able to access cPanel to implement any DNS adjustments.

Shared Servers

To insert A, MX, and CNAME records, you must access the Zone Editor located in the Domains section of your cPanel. Here’s a link to our instructional guide that outlines the steps for adding DNS records through the cPanel Zone Editor.

VPS and Dedicated Servers

If you are using a Virtual Private Server or Dedicated server, you will also have access to the Zone Editor. This tool not only enables you to add new DNS records but also enables you to modify existing records.

Instructions on adding A records and CNAME records in both cPanel and WHM can be found here:

  • A Records
  • CNAME Records

SPF and DomainKeys

SPF and DomainKeys are types of TXT records and are tools used by many mail servers in an effort to combat spam. To find out more information on these types of records, please see the following page: Fighting Spam with SPF and DKIM



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